EVERYBODY PLEASE CLICK THIS LINK !!! >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>WATCH THIS ! ITS ALL ABOUT GLAMFAME(PROM NIGHT) <3<3
CREDITS TO >>>>>>>>>>>
My Awesome Life !
it has described about my life ! =D
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Monday, June 6, 2011
prom night =)
the night was awesomeeeee!!!!
after rehearsal this afternoon, i went t ph's house and get ready for the night.
after putting make-up on and hair, timothy came and fetch me to HYATT early cause need to prepare everything, about 7:30, all the pairs and groups were coming in and register. me and dephne were standing beside selling flowers. =0
haha !
the food was tasty and nice! yummy!
my performance starts around 10pm. some of the people are s shocked that i was on stage. =000
thanks for my friends whom supporting me !!! =))) love you ! really enjoy the performance! singing with Jocelyn, Awen and deephan ! they were great ! hahaha !!!
i think this prom night is the best thing f the year!! so awesome !
i think my form gotta organise when we're form 5!
memorable night !
and now everybody's talking about prom night ! <3
the night was awesomeeeee!!!!
after rehearsal this afternoon, i went t ph's house and get ready for the night.
after putting make-up on and hair, timothy came and fetch me to HYATT early cause need to prepare everything, about 7:30, all the pairs and groups were coming in and register. me and dephne were standing beside selling flowers. =0
haha !
the food was tasty and nice! yummy!
my performance starts around 10pm. some of the people are s shocked that i was on stage. =000
thanks for my friends whom supporting me !!! =))) love you ! really enjoy the performance! singing with Jocelyn, Awen and deephan ! they were great ! hahaha !!!
i think this prom night is the best thing f the year!! so awesome !
i think my form gotta organise when we're form 5!
memorable night !
and now everybody's talking about prom night ! <3
Sunday, June 5, 2011
♚040611 Sungai Lembing♚
four families went there for barbecue =)
all the kids, including me =0 really had a crazy time there. we JUMP we LAUGH we RUN we DON'T SLEEP we STAY UP LATE we EATTTTTTTTTT !!! hahaha
four families went there for barbecue =)
all the kids, including me =0 really had a crazy time there. we JUMP we LAUGH we RUN we DON'T SLEEP we STAY UP LATE we EATTTTTTTTTT !!! hahaha
Friday, June 3, 2011
♥ 060611 ♥
Its Prom night ~ woohooo !!
i really can't wait for this night !
i think its my very 1st time performing on stage !
with my frienddddddd.......
haha can't wait !
our turn to shine ! wearing gorgeous dress and make up on ! high heels underneath our feet ! whatcha feel ? excited? hahahahaha =D
i really can't wait for this night !
i think its my very 1st time performing on stage !
with my frienddddddd.......
haha can't wait !
our turn to shine ! wearing gorgeous dress and make up on ! high heels underneath our feet ! whatcha feel ? excited? hahahahaha =D
F.A.T : 0
Friday, April 29, 2011
My 100 truths
1. Last beverage: Hot Chocolate
2. Last phone call: Esther sui Alexander
3. Last text message: oh okayy then to Coach Lim
4. Last song you listened to: My Heart - Paramore
5. Last time you cried: i don't really know. since long time i never cry haha !
6. Dated someone : yes. just once.
7. Been cheated on: yeah i think so
8. Kissed someone & regretted it: very.. =(
9. Lost someone special: yesss
10. Been depressed: yea, sometimes
11. Been drunk and threw up: Yesss
13. PINK
14. RED
15. Made a new friend: of course
16. Fallen out of love:haha no
17. Laughed until you cried: YESS ! until my stomach has cramped
18. Met someone who changed you: yes.but just a little
19. Found out who your true friends were: Absolutely
20. Found out someone was talking about you: yes
21. Kissed anyone on your friend's list: Yet there's no one
22. How many people on your friends list do you know in real life: uncountable
23. How many kids do you want?: i don't know....just one ? or two
24. Do you have any pets: no =(
25. Do you want to change your name: I think so.... cause people just can't stop calling me *puh sey * wth!
26. What did you do for your last birthday: celebrated it with my friends @EASTGRILL
27. What time did you wake up today: 7:14 A.M
28. What were you doing at midnight: FACEBOOK & YOUTUBE & BLOG
29. Name something you CANNOT wait for: my future
30. Last time you saw your Mother: few minutes ago
31. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life: my height. LOL
32. What are you listening to right now : the sound made by the spinning fan . LOL
33. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: NOPE
34. What's getting on your nerves right now: my Stomach. it's killing
35. Most visited webpage: Facebook,Youtube, twitter, google and blogger
36. Whats your real name: Yee Phui Se
37. Nicknames: Puisi,puh sey, pussy , allison, ...
38. Relationship Status: Single
39. Zodiac sign:CANCER
40. Male or female?: female
41. Primary school: Sekolah Jenis Kebangsaan (c) Pei Chai
42. Secondary school: Sekolah Menengah Alor Akar
43. High school/college/university?: Not yet
44. Hair color: Black
45. Long or short: can consider its long
46. Height: 150 above. Below 160.
47. Do you have a crush on someone? : now ? NOBODY
48: What do you like about yourself?: My skin. hehe
49. Piercings: two. tht's enough. hahaha
51. Righty or lefty: Righty
52. First surgery: never had
53. First piercing: ear
54. First best friend: if really really Bestfriend i think its Esther Yan Yu jia Which i met when i was Form 1
55. First sport you joined: Badminton
56. First vacation: Never had
58. First pair of trainers: none
59. Eating: white bread one piece
60. Drinking: nope
61. I'm about to: Go to squash court
62. Listening to: My heart by Paramore
63. Waiting on : my mum to get ready
64. What kids?: i dont know
65. Get Married?: maybe yes or maybe not
66. Career?: phycologist
67. Lips or eyes: Both
68. Hugs or kisses: Both can do
69. Shorter or taller: taller
70. Older or Younger: younger hehe..
71. Romantic or spontaneous: romantic
72. Nice stomach or nice arms: Both
73. Sensitive or loud: Loud
74. Hook-up or relationship: Relationship
75. Trouble maker or hesitant: hesistant
76. Kissed a stranger: No
77. Drank hard liquor: yes
78. Lost glasses/contacts: Nope
79. Sex on first date: W T F ? OF COURSE NOOOOOOOOOO
80. Broken someone's heart: No ..... =(
82. Been arrested: Never
83. Turned someone down: YES
84. Cried when someone died: yes
85. Fallen for a friend?: not sureee
86. Yourself: not really
87. Miracles: 40-60
88. Love at first sight: yeahh
89. Heaven: VERY
90. Santa Claus: yess
91. Kiss on the first date: haha!
92. Angels: yess
94. Had more than 1 girlfriend/boyfriend at a time:NO
95. Did you sing today?:Yes
96. Ever cheated on somebody?: YES
97. If you could go back in time, how far would you go?: when i was in heaven.
98. If you could pick a day from last year and relive it, what would it be?: It would probably be on my b'day? haha
99. Are you afraid of falling in love?: yeaa..
100. Posting this as 100 truths?: you're readiing it right now. haha ! =D
Refer to Yesterday - Friday
its a school day though.
recently i just write my diary in my diary book so i lazy to update. hehe ~
7:30 AM arrived school and straight away have to go to dewan makan for ceramah.
it's a quite funny and enjoyable talk from Taylor's University college's speaker whom gave us a talk about communication. Before the talk starts, the speaker - Ashwin gave us some simple quiz and i answered one. guess what? its about JUSTIN BIEBER !!!!
haha ! he asked, " Who had rundown at Malaysia during April ?"
i Raised up my hand very quickly with my exciting and said , " ITS JUSTIN BIEBER AND BRUNO MARS !!!!! " then i got a ball pen from him which got a Taylor's Logo on it.
I'm so happy !
naaaah ! cause its about JUSTIN BIEBER !!!
we had a fun moment there. TOO BAD esther and marsya wasn't here .....
around 8 ; 20 am i went back to class and i saw my hubby Marsya. haha !
the malay guys and both of us played some game at behind of the class. haha
haha ! you might not believe in your eyes. of course he don't admit it. haha !!!
before we going home, we stole ameer's 10 bucks. and finally he agreed to give us. woo hoo !
hahahahaha thanksss ameer !
recently i just write my diary in my diary book so i lazy to update. hehe ~
7:30 AM arrived school and straight away have to go to dewan makan for ceramah.
it's a quite funny and enjoyable talk from Taylor's University college's speaker whom gave us a talk about communication. Before the talk starts, the speaker - Ashwin gave us some simple quiz and i answered one. guess what? its about JUSTIN BIEBER !!!!
haha ! he asked, " Who had rundown at Malaysia during April ?"
i Raised up my hand very quickly with my exciting and said , " ITS JUSTIN BIEBER AND BRUNO MARS !!!!! " then i got a ball pen from him which got a Taylor's Logo on it.
I'm so happy !
naaaah ! cause its about JUSTIN BIEBER !!!
we had a fun moment there. TOO BAD esther and marsya wasn't here .....
around 8 ; 20 am i went back to class and i saw my hubby Marsya. haha !
the malay guys and both of us played some game at behind of the class. haha
haha ! you might not believe in your eyes. of course he don't admit it. haha !!!
before we going home, we stole ameer's 10 bucks. and finally he agreed to give us. woo hoo !
hahahahaha thanksss ameer !
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